1) Myth- Adults know everything and are have all the confidence in the world.
Reality- It is just about the total opposite. The older I get, the less I seem to know. Scary I know. There are WORLDS of things out there that I realize I don't even know they exist until somebody introduces me to them. For example- chakra's - didn't know a thing about them until a few years ago. (look it up, then know Sabrina set me straight:) The more I know nothing about, the more my confidence goes away.
2) Myth- (this was my 17 year old me speaking) When I get married (especially TEMPLE married) and get my OWN place, my life will be perfect and so much easier.
Reality- This makes me almost vomit a little bit in my mouth to think about that now. What was I thinking? Don't get me wrong, I love being married, but life easier? I'm afraid we teach this to the YW unknowingly. "Get married in the temple and you've reached the ultimate goal and life will be easier - no more tests" When in reality, that's when life's tests begin. We were sent here to earth to be tried and tested, why would the tests get easier the farther along in life we get? In school each year progressively gets harder, doesn't it make sense that it would be the same in life? Progressively harder tests? Thats PROGRESSING. Enduring to the end, not sliding down hill to a finish line. When we master one part of life, we get to learn another lesson. My learning needs and curve will be different than anybody elses. Not my favorite part of life- I manage to usually learn the hard way and after many failed attempts, but I understand, finally, it's the plan.
3) Myth-Things will get better when......I'm old enough to drive, I own my own house, have that one bill payed off, etc, etc, etc.
Reality- It's not better, it's different- a change- but better? no. Refer to myth #2. When one trial or part of your life is over a new one appears to take it's place. I am the eternal "the grass is always greener" girl. I think everything must be better later. I am finally realizing to seize the day. Now is the time to enjoy life, because it's the only time I have a guarantee on. I am getting to the age where I can see I let much of my life slip by wishing for something else and now it is too late to go and get those little moments back. My kids are almost all gone and out of my grasp. I hope I took advantage of those times in my life that meant the most or had the biggest impact on them. Too late now. All because I was looking to an easier time (see #2) . No such thing. But what to do..... Learn and make the most of what I have today.
This sounds so deep, dark and depressing. the 3 D's :) It's not meant to be. I am thrilled to finally be growing up and understanding myself :) and the realities of life. And really- they aren't so bad now that I understand them a little bit better :) I had a few other thoughts- such as *If these are the best years of my life- kill me now! and *Once I lose this weight it will be off forever. Both myths I am finding out in a harsh way :)